Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2009-08-14
From LibrePlanet
< Group:Free Software Foundation | CampaignsMeetings(Redirected from Group:FSF/CampaignsMeetings/2009-08-14)
Present: Peter Brown, John Sullivan, Matt Lee, Holmes Wilson, Deborah Nicholson and Adelaida MacIntyre
End Software Patents campaign
- Holmes would like for people to email him more film maker contacts
Software Freedom Day
- Deborah is creating a draft agenda
- Matt will begin inviting workshop leaders and presenters
- Matt and Adelaida will work on a poster to put up on campuses inviting students
- Matt and Deborah will work on a blog promoting upcoming politically aligned events
Other Projects
- Deborah is going to create an invitation for our summit on Women in Free Software and start a wikipage for this ongoing conversation