Group: LibrePlanet Ontario/Meeting Notes/2016-12-24
Saturday, 24 December 2016, 9:00pm EST
Location: Mumble
This is likely to be a short, sparsely attended meeting. If you can spare an hour away from your holiday festivities, please come join us!
- Planning Free Software Advocacy (was: Group:LibrePlanet_Ontario/Software Freedom Day 2016)
- Free/Libre Canadian Tax Preparation Software Project
- (Lack of) Event and Project organization on the Mailing List
If there's something else you want to discuss, add it to the this agenda!
Upcoming Events
- KW GNU/Linux Fest (Waterloo) - 28 January 2017
- ConFoo (Montreal) - 8-10 March 2017
- Participants: Greg Knittl, Bob Jonkman
Audio Recording: (Size: 3.3 MB - Duration: 1m43s)
- Slight progress with Free/Libre Canadian Tax Preparation Software Project -- Greg Knittl has contacted his Member of Parliament to discuss Free Software in government for tax preparation software
- Greg and Bob exchanged Christmas Greetings!
No Text Channel notes this month.