Group: Play Freedom/Ogg Friendly Sites
From LibrePlanet
This is listing of websites that use Ogg Vorbis.
- Tino Ruiz - mandolin music
- This site provides a number of Ogg Vorbis files (128kb/s) from and performed by mandolin player, Tino Ruiz.
Biertaucher Podcast
- weekly podcast in German language about free software and
other nerd topics
International open podcast
- Podcast in English language in irregular intervals about the
international magazine, and free / libre open source topics especially in in education
- Austrian band site we're completely providing our album-downloads in ogg/vorbis.
Radio Orange
- One of the most famous free alternative radio in Austria.
- Podcast in German about learning to code
- Icecast multi stations lists in Bulgaria Ogg Format.
Hey Predator
- "Hey Predator! is a six-piece nerd-punk/post-whatevercore band based out of Montreal. They have a penchant for complex rhythmic progressions, verbose and belted vocal trade-offs, and heavy doses of contrary guitar movement. Their album "Spit Smoke, Black Factories!" was released in 2009 in OGG format under a Creative Commons license." Group Members: Avrum, Luke, Taylor, Tristan, Vincent, and Zakir.
CreekFM on the Okanese First Nation in Saskatchewan
- CreekFM provides programming to attract and entertain many different audiences. * Classic Rock and Contemporary Rock * * Oldies and Blues * * Old-Time Fiddle * * Talk Shows and Listener Call-ins, with contests and prizes * * Weekly On-the-Air Bingo Games, a hit with all ages *
Podcasts: LibrePlanet Ontario Meetings
- Every month the meeting of LibrePlanet Ontario is recorded and made available as a podcast, with the audio in Ogg Vorbis format.
Czech Republic
Czech Radio
- Czech Radio gives radio news in OGG format.
- Esperanto: Podkasto pri diversaj temoj el teĥniko, scienco, socio kaj historio.
- English: Esperanto-language podcast about topics about technology, science, society and history.
Movada Vidpunkto
- Esperanto: Podkasto pri Esperanto-kulturo kaj -movado.
- English: Esperanto-language podcast about Esperanto culture and movement.
- Esperanto: Muzaiko estas tuttempa tutmonda tutmojosa tutesperanta retradio-kanalo!
- English: Muzaiko is 24/7 Esperanto webradio channel.
- Vinilkosmo is an online shop for Esperanto-language music in both OGG Vorbis and FLAC.
- Kohina is a free "just for fun" web stream, streaming the classic 8/16 bit computer, arcade, and console music of our misspent youth, as well as the latest scene music from the platforms that remain active In OGG format
- Culture Libre
- Dogmazic
Down & Stream
- Ogg Theora video streaming using the HTML 5 video element.
- "Là-bas si j'y suis" archives
- This site provides audio archives of a French radio program, "Là-bas si j'y suis", by Daniel Mermet on France Inter., since 2001.
Lune Rouge
- This site is the showcase for the activities of Lune Rouge, a non-profit association for audio and video creations. And it is all in OGG
- WebTV about Free Software and videos under creative common license in Ogg format.
- Microlab is a French site that uses only the ogg format.
OLPC Dailymotion channel
- provides a channel for One Laptop per Child XO computer users to share and exchange videos -- all of which are encoded in Ogg Theora.
- Webradio at Université Montpelier 2 in France
Youkounkoun Radio
- A WebRadio streaming Ogg Vorbis on three flow : Groove, Rock and Electro
- Frequence3
- PostPro video
Groolot Musique
- A french music composer that shares all his free music in OGG Vorbis file format and in FLAC format
- Free Digital Online Music Records.
Monnaie Libre
- Monnaie Libre is an ogg-only audcast that discusses monetary systems.
- Vinilkosmo is an online shop for Esperanto-language music in both OGG Vorbis and FLAC.
Fréquence Diagonale
- Fréquence Diagonale is a French OGG-only audcast about chess.
AFK M94.5
- Radio Station in Munich,Germany used for, and by education people in the media industry.
Byte FM
- ByteFM brings everything in the modern pop music is important - designed and moderated by journalists, musicians and connoisseurs of the scene.Listen live from Hamburg, Germany
frei²– Das Magazin für freie Musik im Freien Radio Kassel
- German podcast with Creative Commons licensed music in Ogg Vorbis.
- Deutschlandradio is a public radio station in Germany.
Infinite Hands
- Singing a part of the history of free software.
- Local German radio news, music, local events streamed live in Ogg.
- The exotic sounds of Phour Trakk.
- Jamendo is a music platform and community.
Music Editions by Christoph Dalitz
- This site contains a collection of free music, mostly of my own works, but there are also some pieces by old composers that I have arranged or transcribed.
Radio Sterni
- Radio Sterni is a French speaking and experimental webradio about Berlin's alternative places and social struggles. Live streams and podcasts are both exclusively broadcasted in OGG/Vorbis.
- Site created by: Danny Bruder Site also register Germany In Ogg format.
- Kult-On Ogg Audio- and Video content produced by youth.
Ryos Wochensicht
- "Ryos Wochensicht" Ryos week view
- A simple and attractive interface for German speakers to learn basic Polish. Versions for Czech and English speakers are available as well.
- Streamed in both 56k and 128k.
Il Deposito
- Il Deposito has the passion for the songs of various political protest is born years ago. And sends out the message to the world in OGG format.
- An archive of media entirely in ogg (vorbis and theora), where all metadata is extracted from the ogg comment header.
- Radio Kairos
- (previously
- Website showcasing various linux-based sound synthesizers and samplers, with audio demos and personal works done in ogg (vorbis) and flac formats.
ASO Radio
- ASO Radio is Japan-related media radio show that focuses on anime and video games.
Start FM
- Start FM is a campus radio station hosted by Vilnius university (Lithuania).
New Zealand
Radio New Zealand
- OggCasts of New Zealand radio shows.
Norsk Riks Kringkasting - NRK
- The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation provides Ogg streams for stations worth of broadcasting. They include news, talk, and music. The stations are NRK P1, P2, P3, Alltid Nyheter, mP3, P3, Jazz, and Klassisk.
Metal Express Radio Oslo Norway
- METAL EXPRESS began in 1985 by Stig G. Nordahl, President, as a Hard Rock and Heavy Metal radio station, serving Oslo, Norway and surrounding areas
Radio EL-Stacja
- internet radio with electronic music only
Universo Spectrum
- Tunes from the 8-bit era
Autodefensa Informática
- A radio show about Free Software, Privacy and Digital Rights
United States of America
The Atheist Experience
- An atheist podcast from The Atheist Community of Austin.
Wikimedia Commons
- Repository of free multimedias.
Cyberunions Podcast
- A podcast discussing the intersection of free software and labor movements.
- A community run local rock radio stream featuring artists from Sonoma County, California
Online Converters
Tiny Ogg
- This service allows you to watch and listen to Flash-based videos without the need to Flash technology. This gives you speed, safety, control, freedom and openness.
This page was a featured resource in June 2016.