User: Macrohumanity

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Founding Documents.png

So that the name 'LibrePlanet' is strongly associated with a clear goal, and so individual groups can cooperate and collaborate effectively, all LibrePlanet participants agree with this set of founding principles:

Mission Statement
Code of Conduct

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{{Founding Documents}}

Username mointerop (formerly "macrohumanity)
Full name Robbie
Website Denver
IRC LibrePlanet-US-CO-DEN
Groups LibrePlanet Denver
Spoken languages English
Programming languages GNU/Linux CLI (moderate) and Python (intermediate)
Interests GNU/Linux CLI hobbyist, digital freedom advocate
City Denver
State Colorado
Country United States of America

GnuPG encryption fingerprint: C0C4 F530 D6CA E728 03B1 20C3 64E5 00BE 1D3B F508


DEN This user is a member of LibrePlanet Denver
Button-fsfmember.png This user supports the Free Software Foundation's actions all around the world and on the world wide web.
Eff.png Member of the EFF group working for free communication tools and law.