Group: FSF Community Team

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Group:LibrePlanet Wiki Helpers

LibrePlanet Rapid Responders

Main page
Sites to watch
Example answers
Discussion list


The LibrePlanet Rapid Responders is a network of activists who aim to spread the free software philosophy in the press, blogs, forums, and social media. We respond immediately to articles, posts, and discussions related to free software. We pride ourselves in non-inflammatory and persuasive responses to those who misunderstand or misrepresent free software.

What we do

The activities of this team break down into two main functions:

  1. Responding to media and press concerning free software
  2. Spreading links that effectively and accurately promote free software

We do the above in an organized fashion which involves all of the following:

  • Monitoring important sites.
  • Responding to articles and blog posts in a timely and effective fashion.
  • Working with the FSF campaigns team to respond to big news stories that impact software freedom, or stories that are chances for people to understand why free software matters.
  • Answering questions and correcting misconceptions about free software.
  • Making sure that important stories get as much attention as possible.

Get Involved

Involvement can be anything from just following the email list to sharing links or throwing support behind important articles all the way to writing full articles about free software.

Join Us!

If this is something that interests you, please join the discussion list:

Thanks, and we appreciate your support!

If you spend time reading popular blogs or mainstream press and you have a good handle on the debate around software freedom, your help would be very valuable!

Just to be clear, the goal here is not to get into long, drawn out flame-wars that have been repeated elsewhere :) Rather, this will be an organized and careful approach to shifting the debate about the public's control of technology.

Getting Started

We hope you take the first step in joining the FSF Community Team, by joining the mailing list. Since you'll be helping the FSF get its free software message out, the next step is for you to do some reading to make sure you are familiar with what we are trying to convey. Please read these three articles about the FSF's basic philosophy and have a look at the list of words to avoid or use with care. Feel free to ask any questions you have about them (questions are good!).

These articles cover the basics, but reading any article on the of the GNU Project is useful, though.

Posting to the list

Feel free to post to the mailing list links to articles, blog posts, or forum discussions that address directly, or indirectly, issues regarding free software. We're especially interested in topics that miss the point of free software, or contain misinformation, providing a context for education. Please keep in mind that we are mainly looking for articles that need a response from a Free Software supporter.

Please have a look at the description of our workflow to find out all the details about posting to the list.

Also, once you've read the articles, we'd love for you to post to the mailing list the text and links of any responses you make on the web. This has the advantage of creating the opportunity for feedback, and inspiring other members of the list to post comments as well.

Thank you so much for volunteering! This page was a featured resource in October 2017.

"issue" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property.

... more about "FSF Community Team"
January 2025 +
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