LibrePlanet: Conference/2012/CFP
People are invited to submit papers and talks for the upcoming LibrePlanet 2012 conference in Boston, MA -- March 24th/25th at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
- Please note: in order to help the conference run smoothly, you must submit any slides (if needed) as an OpenDocument Presentation or LaTeX Beamer file, which will be shown on a standard installation of Trisquel GNU/Linux version 5.0 on i386 architecture. No exceptions to this can be made.
- We would like to film and record the video/audio from all talks, and release materials under either Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs or Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licenses. Please only submit a talk if you are willing to be recorded in this manner.
- Lastly, please remember that this conference is focused on free software, not open source. Also be mindful of the power of words and the importance of framing the issues we discuss and work on in the best possible terms.
- Thanks to everyone who submitted papers. We'll be in touch shortly.
- Speakers are generally required to cover their own travel expenses to/from Boston, MA.
- We are especially interested in a diverse group of speakers from across the planet, from all ages and backgrounds.
- Special attention should be given to our Anti-harassment_policy too.
- All slides, materials, etc must be sent to us no later than March 14th 2012. No exceptions.
This page was a featured resource in November 2011.