Group: Defective by Design

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Revision as of 19:08, 27 June 2012 by Kxra (talk | contribs) (Materials)
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Defective By Design is the Free Software Foundation's campaign"issue" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property. against Digital Restrictions Management. This LibrePlanet group is the organizing hub for actions and events.

Join Us!

Email Alerts

You can help by signing up for the campaign action alerts at

LibrePlanet Badge

You can add a user box supporting Defective by Design which will automatically add you to the member list by putting
{{user dbd}}
on your user page.
Defective by Design
Note Defective By Design
Region WorldWide
Area WorldWide
Mailing list
Available language(s) English
Contact dbd
Members 68
Description The wiki of the Defective by Design group
Current status Active
Button-dbd.png This user is interested in contributing to Defective by Design.

Discussion List

Also, be sure to join the LibrePlanet discussion list:


Subscribe to the Antifeatures Reddit for news and discussion of DRM and other antifeatures.

Suggestions by users

Post your own ideas!


Flyers, posters, pamphlets, web banners, and any other graphics that may be useful to others. Please use, share, and remix these!

When uploading your own materials, please remember that we are focused on free software, not open source. Also be mindful of the power of words and the importance of framing the issues we discuss and work on in the best possible terms. Thanks!


Day Against DRM

Holiday Buying Guide

The 2011 Holiday Buying Guide can be updated, especially with more recommendations of what people can spend their money on. People have been mailing in suggestions and so we are going to compile them and vet them. You can help.

Share links

Post your links to the mailing list and add them to this page.

"software" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property. "issue" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property.