LibrePlanet: Conference/2010/GNUHackersMeeting

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GNU Hackers' Meeting Attendees

Please list your name and the project you are involved with here. Don't forget to also RSVP for the rest of the LibrePlanet conference at LibrePlanet2010.

GNU's not Unix!
  1. Richard Stallman -- Founder of GNU, FSF president
  2. John Sullivan -- FSF, GNU Advisory Committee, GNU Webmaster
  3. Matt Lee -- FSF, GNU FM, GNU Webmaster
  4. Felipe Sanches (São Paulo, Brazil) -- GNU maintainer/developer for LibreDWG and Inkscape developer
  5. Chong Yidong -- GNU Emacs maintainer
  6. Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva (São Paulo, Brazil) -- GNU LibreDWG maintainer
  7. John Gilmore -- GNU
  8. Brian Gough -- GNU maintainer (GNU Scientific Library), GNU Advisory Committee
  9. Karl Fogel -- GNU Emacs developer
  10. Michael J. Flickinger -- Savannah
  11. John W. Eaton (GNU Octave maintainer)
  12. Giuseppe Scrivano -- GNU
  13. David Sugar -- GNU Telephony
  14. Eric Blossom -- GNU Radio
  15. Aubrey Jaffer -- JACAL, SLIB, WB, SCM maintainer/developer
  16. Anand Babu Periasamy (GNU Maintainer, FSF-India Board Member)
  17. Clint Adams -- GNU FM

Suggestions for Agenda

If you have ideas for the way the meeting should be structured, feel free to discuss them here.

Here is the format of the European meetings (see [[1]])-- Bjg

  • Introductory session - getting to know other attendees
  • Talks/demonstrations
  • Discussion session(s)
  • Keysigning
  • Dinner(s)

Talk topics

  • [Put your title here if you want to give a presentation]
  • Overview of Savannah (Michael J. Flickinger)
  • Cross-Platform Extreme: The Schlep Toolchains (Aubrey Jaffer)
  • GNU FM -- music freedom
  • Replacing Skype (Dave Sugar)

-- Please also note that there is a space on Sunday for GNU Hackers to talk... if you'd like to give a short 20-40 minute talk to everyone at the conference, this is also an option.

Initial Announcement

The FSF will be hosting the US's first GNU Hackers' Meeting on March 18th-21st, 2010, simultaneous with our larger LibrePlanet conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The GNU Hackers' Meetings are informal meetings for GNU maintainers and active contributors. This meeting will feature:

  • An introductory social event on the evening of the 18th.
  • A full day of GNU presentations, discussion, and hacking on the 19th.
  • Two days of events integrated with the LibrePlanet conference on the 20th and 21st, including opportunities for maintainers and developers to give talks on their projects to attendees.

This meeting follows in the footsteps of three previous successful European meetings (see <> for a history). They've been a great way for GNU hackers to meet each other, get productive work done, and generate new ideas for how to improve the overall project.

GNU maintainers and active developers can attend both the GNU Hackers' Meeting and the rest of LibrePlanet at no charge, but RSVPs are requested. The easiest way to RSVP for the events is to add your name to both <> and <>. If you'd rather that info not be public, you can also RSVP by email to <>.

As GNU developers, your work is invaluable. If in addition to programming skills you have some financial resources, we hope you will support this event and the rest of the work the FSF does to support the GNU Project by becoming a $120/year member at <>.

Please subscribe to the mailing list at <>, to receive further updates and to discuss possible agendas.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in Cambridge, and happy hacking!


To be finalised nearer the date

  • Thursday 18 March
    • ...
  • Friday 19
    • ...
  • Saturday 20
    • ...
  • Sunday 21
    • ...

Equipment needed:

  • projector
  • video/audio recording