User: Johns

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Revision as of 14:01, 24 September 2010 by Johns (talk | contribs)
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Button-gnuhead.png This user knows that GNU's Not Unix.
Button-freerunner.jpg This user uses an OpenMoko FreeRunner
Swpat-logo-small.png This user is interested in contributing to End Software Patents.
Button-dbd.png This user is interested in contributing to Defective by Design.
FSS This user is subscribed to the Free Software Supporter newsletter.

My profile, as part of a test for using Semantic Forms. Feedback welcome.

We might want to use

Create your own profile.

To Do

Feel free to help me out with any of these things :)

  • Make property-based listings or search form for location-based groups
  • Replace Category:Group and with [[is entity::group| ]]
  • Replace Category:Project with appropriate properties, probably [[organized around::software| ]] or "issue" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property.
  • Make profile form field lengths make sense.
  • Add checkbox for agreeing with the LibrePlanet mission.
  • Fix namespace of links created for group names in profile
  • Fix namespace of link created for User in profile
  • Add picture upload to profile form
  • Don't display empty profile fields
  • Just use the factbox display for profile?
  • Make DbD user badge</strike<
  • Make PlayOgg user badge
  • Define the SMW properties used in the user profile
  • Define the SMW properties used in the group profile
  • Change the user profile to allow multiple group membership
  • Make a query for groups to automatically list their members
  • Make graphical FreeRunner user badge
  • Make graphical writer badge
  • Make graphical GNU contributor badge
  • Make graphical GNU maintainer badge
  • Fix copyright footer -- assignment text and GFDL 1.3
  • Privacy policy link
  • Test out the calendar extension by adding some free software events