Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2013-07-08

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Revision as of 16:13, 8 July 2013 by Johns (talk | contribs) (William Theaker, new Web publisher)
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07-08-13 campaigns meeting minutes

Present: William, John, Libby, Zak, Kyra (on the phone)

Check-in with volunteer Dan Fitzmartin about his work creating a promotional video for LP

  • A mix of clips of speakers and interviewees
  • 3 - 5 minutes
  • Guidelines for successful Kickstarter videos
  • Emphasize international attendance, welcoming environment, stimulating talks by experts

William Theaker, new outreach and communication coordinator

  • This is William's first day. He's doing orientation today and he will get started right away with editing.
  • We'll start using the campaigns queue in RT to track publications through our new pipeline with William. Keep the actual text in Brains. Include any deadline information.
  • William will be editing the Netflix post that Zak is working on, the email that Kyra is working on to see the new DRM FAQ as well as other things that are already in the campaigns queue.
  • One of William's jobs is to help make the stream of publications coming out of the FSF more even. Less dry spells and pile-ups. As a second priority, he'll also think about optimizing the times when things are released.
  • Zak will show William how to do the Supporter on Thursday
  • William will also get started with microblogging and restart the quest to get the @dbd Twitter account.
  • Zak will show William how to do ThankGNUs.
  • William will document things that he learns on Brains in his own area, and then we will organize it.
  • William will make a list of launch dates for products we want to write about


  • Libby will ask one of the translators to volunteer to get the June Spanish Supporter finalized


  • Zak (and soon William) is working on a post for and an email for the Supporters lists
  • We may try to do more promotion of Libby's post from Wednesday
  • For the future of this campaign, we want to make a static "Take Action" area for the campaign against Netflix and EME in general.
  • Kyra will think this through more completely
  • We want more emphasis on pages on the site in general for a variety of reasons, including not having timely information in blog posts that fall to the bottom of our page when they are still relevant.
  • William will post Libby's Wednesday post on Reddit and Libby will send an email to the DbD list about it to build momentum and pointing to Reddit.
  • William will track Netflix and the blogosphere for reactions

Xbox launch

  • It's on the horizon and our radar for DbD. Looks like it'll be late 2013.


  • Zak will get something up by the end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday)


  • John will review the LP 2014 timeline that Libby sent out
  • The press release for the first batch of LP videos is drafted and going to William to be edited.

National Day of Civic Hacking

  • National and local opportunities for involvement. We'd have more control over local event running or sponsorship, but if we went national, we could put out a challenge to all the people participating and it could involve free software. But we'd have to give the National Day money and they don't do all free software stuff. We'll think about it.