Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2014-04-14
Campaigns Meeting 2014-04-07
- Day Against DRM
- Timeline review
- Some publishers have agreed to do stuff
- DbD site
- Keurig post
Nearly done
- Amazon Fire
- Libby found any leads?
Still timely, going to draft campaign plan for Wednesday including an article and proposed action and considerations for DaD.
- Rando
- Discuss the community tab on and what should live there.
Zak is adding links to lp-discuss, the conference, and a nice image of community, and a link to the volunteer page
- Review minor changes to removed LibrePlanet, merged DRM in HTML5 with DbD
Couple of additional changes made during the meeting
- Dan is gonna work on Tor video with Steve Revilak as reader.
- Heartbleed: Libby doing impact report and proposing follow up blog post
- Next week's meeting will be held at noon on Tuesday the 22nd.**