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Issue for https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems. The proper FSF email address to send this issue to is: resources@fsf.org


This table could be added to the "Recommended section in https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems

Webmail Clearnet Tor service
requires Tor Browser!)
No Roundcube, SquirrelMail
Kolab Now Custom No
Mail2Tor No SquirrelMail
OpenMailBox Custom No
Posteo Custom No
Riseup[1] Roundcube, SquirrelMail Roundcube
Safe-mail Custom No
TorBox No SquirrelMail
VFEmail Custom No

1: "In order to create a Red Account you will need an invite. Obtain an Invite Code from a friend." - https://riseup.net/en/email/settings/mail-accounts#how-do-i-create-an-email-account



Ian: I think hosting your own mail should also be mentioned on that list. I recently transitioned to doing that, and I recommend it. For someone else wanting to do it, I would recommend mailinabox. The other one people talk about is http://mailcow.email/. I did my own setup with exim and dovecot, and I forward port 25 from a remote server to my home machine to get around the standard isp residential service port 25 block.

https://mailinabox.email/ reads: "Please note that the goal of this project is to provide a simple, turn-key solution. There are basically no configuration options and you can’t tweak the machine’s configuration files after installation. If you are looking for something more advanced, try iRedMail or Modoboa."