Group: Defective by Design/Day Against DRM 2019/Free Culture Educational Books

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More and more electronic version of books get imposed on students to follow a class. Many of such books comes with DRM, which also forces students to run nonfree software. Paper books has no such restrictions, however book publishers can decide not to publish new versions of them anymore.

This page attempt to list electronic books that have no DRM, along with their license.

Free licenses for manuals are also essential for freedom as they enable to adapt the book, and redistribute it.

The active repository of information on this page has been moved to Group:DRM-free_Textbooks.

Below is for historical reference:

Books and repositories of books

Link Topic Class Country Schools using it Associated homework License How to contribute Comments
Free_High_School_Science_Texts physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc grades 10-12 South Africa, other? ? CC-BY ?
Math 105 - Math In Society - Open Textbook Maths liberal arts majors Portland, USA Seem to be made specifically for liberal arts majors in the Portland Community College ? Mix of creative commons, including:
  • cc-by-sa for most of the book
  • cc-by-nc-nd for very few figures
  • Has links to other books under cc-by-sa
  • Adapted version of Maths in Society for the Portland Community College
Math in Society Maths liberal arts major USA? Washington State faculty, other cc-by-sa Send an email to the author
opentextbookstore Many topics College, Other? USA, Other? (the books are in English) cc-by-sa, other? ?
Computer Science without a computer CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. Free activities for classroom or home. /!\ Nonfree (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) probably impossible (nonfree) The books looks really nice, it would be a good idea to try to convince them in a friendly way to free the book.

List of repositories (also) containing books

We keep an up-to-date list of links on the DRM website: If you missed a link on the page or list here on the wiki, share it with us.