Openmoko Freerunner(FSO+SHR)
Nokia N900(FSO+SHR)
HTC Dream(Replicant)
Nexus one(Replicant)
Palm pre(normal,plus or version 2) (FSO+SHR)
Nexus S (Replicant)
Data connectivity
GPRS only(hardware limitation)
3G working in SHR
3G working in replicant
3G working in SHR
3G working in replicant
3G working in SHR(not tested by me)
3G working in replicant
Hardware features support
See The FSO page about the supported hardware features
See The FSO page about the supported hardware features
see The replicant page about the supported hardware features
See The FSO page about the supported hardware features
see The replicant page about the supported hardware features
See The FSO page about the supported hardware features
see The replicant page about the supported hardware features
Capable of viewing a video
from Very difficult to impossible
yes(with mplayer in command line)
yes(example Youtube using rstp:// or with the integrated player(not tested) )
Difficult(need to be rotated before etc...)
yes(example Youtube using rstp:// or with the integrated player(not tested) )
yes(WebM playback works with the integrated player)
Capable of playing music
On speakers only
( sound quality is very bad on headphones because of a capacitor which value is too low )
yes(without issues)
yes(prevent phone ringing)
Web browsing
- Very slow with the default browser(eve)
- uses 100% CPU while loading pages
yes(with midori, the default browser(eve) is too slow)
mail client usage
claws mail
claws mail
k9(obtimized for the screen), great integrated hardware keyboard(very fast)
claws mail
k9(obtimized for the screen), capacitive screen + software keyboard for writing mails makes it very slow
not tested(claws mail)
Android mail app works well, k9 should also work, capacitive screen + software keyboard for writing mails makes it very slow
yes(xchat(need to be configured for the DPI),else irssi), software keyboard used with stylus(medium speed)
yes(yaaic), great integrated hardware keyboard(very fast)
yes(irssi under xterm(else there is a Tab key issue)),great integrated hardware keyboard(very fast), xchat not very obtimized for the DPI
painful with the software keyboard(used with fingers since the screen is capacitive => very slow) (bluetooth keyboard is better but require a non-free firmware, and a table)
?.has an hardware keyboard
painful with the software keyboard(used with fingers since the screen is capacitive => very slow) (bluetooth keyboard is better but require a non-free firmware, and a table)