Group: FSF/CampaignsMeetings/2009-07-24

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2009/07/24 Campaigns Meeting

Present: Peter Brown, John Sullivan, Matt Lee, Holmes Wilson, Sarah McIntire


  • Research our options for upcoming petition -- do we use Mailman, CiviCRM, or our Django petitions module, to run it.
  • Reach out to groups and individuals who might be interested in supporting the petition, and draft text.
  • Connect with Wikimedia on video editing plans, to find out about timeline and features, and whether we'll be able to remove video editing from the priority projects list.
  • Continue research on phone campaign -- should we have a protest iPhone app, how does handset exclusivity impact free software, and what other pro-consumer groups can we work with


  • Finish the Windows 7 timeline, and continue the campaign work (drafting text and planning launch action)
  • LibrePlanet skinning, to match the front page and to have news and events be dynamic, based on editing that occurs on the wiki.


  • Work on usability improvements to front and philosophy pages.
  • Continue progress an adding LibrePlanet groups.


  • How do we involve the community more in these meetings, and have our work be more public/transparent?
  • All should review the current draft of our network services policy -- it's getting close.
  • The Kindle action was a big success -- we were in on the front of the news cycle, and so were able to be quoted in later stories written about it. The press release made popular on digg with 70 diggs in about 4 hours.