Action items/To Distil Networks: Free your JavaScript

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Suggest Distil Networks to free their JavaScript, or to allow people who dislike their non-free JavaScript to use sites protected by them.

Aaron "wolftune" Wolf and Julien Kyou contacted Distil Networks (I, Adfeno (talk), think they sent it to: contact[insert an "at" symbol here]

Since they already sent it, and there's no response from Distil Networks (both wolftune and Kyou didn't informe us about a response yet), we have less than a month before doing mass mailing.

Before doing mass mailing, we must wait for updates until: 2016-07-08

Here is the template of the mass mailing message (made after first contact):

Hi, I'm a big fan of a website that is protected by your services, and I have some suggestions to make:

Is it possible to free/liberate the JavaScript code that your service and site requires the visitors to use/run?

This is needed because, most JavaScript applications are used *client-side*, so in order for society to be free and fair/just, the visitors have to receive the following essential freedoms:

0. The freedom to use the data, for any purpose.

1. The freedom to study and adapt the data, when and as he wishes. Without being required to send changes back to the original project.

2. The freedom to redistribute (share and/or sell) original copies.

3. The freedom to redistribute (share and/or sell) copies of his adaptations.

When functional data respects these freedoms, it can be considered as free/libre functional data (as in freedom, not price).

Since your site and service deliver JavaScript code to the visitors, one must also make sure that the users receive such freedoms:

You can follow this references to know how to free/liberate the JavaScript code being used:

If you are not sure whether your site or service require JavaScript code to be used by the client, please check for such information on the projects in which your project depends on.

Note: We are *not* asking for you to remove *all* JavaScript code. Because this move would cause more issues to the visitors.

As an alternative, please allow people that prefer not to use your non-free JavaScript, to use your site and services.