Group: GLOFS

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GLOFS aka Glorious Ladies of Free Software


The philosophical goals of the free software movement are fairly easy for the newcomer to understand, but the mechanics and the lingo can be a bit harder. The free software community uses lots of acronyms and slang that can make it difficult for a new user even to identify where to go looking for information. In other words, the first step is often the hardest.

Given the sometimes less-than-welcome wagon waiting for ladies when they make their first foray into the wonderful world of peer-to-peer support, we created a channel for "advice about advice." It's not that men aren't welcome to ask their questions, but the vibe of the channel is comfortable and respectful to women. There is no such thing as a stupid question and sexual harassment is not tolerated.

We also chat about free software news, pass along opportunities, and announce events that might be of interest to women who use free software.

Glorious Ladies

Deb Nicholson User:deborah

Kelly Hopkins User:thesoprano

Sarah Adelaida McIntire User:Adelaida

The Channel

Come visit us at #GLOFS on the freenode server!

"issue" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property. "software" is not in the list (interest, location, project, school) of allowed values for the "Organized around" property.