Group: Play Freedom/WebM recipe

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How to upload a video to YouTube and ensure it is made available as WebM

As of a couple weeks ago, you can now ensure that YouTube will make any video you upload available in WebMthrough their HTML5 interface, by uploading it as WebM and not using the "annotations" or "display ads" options. This guide will help you do that.

You can also get embedded videos to automatically use WebM, in supporting browsers, by adding "html5=1" to the URL of the iframe in your embedding code. (You can see an example of this on If you are linking to the video on YouTube, you can also force HTML5 support by adding that parameter to the link you provide.

Unfortunately, viewers who visit the YouTube website without going via such a link will still see your videos in Flash unless they themselves have opted into YouTube's HTML5 beta. Instructions for opting in are at -- be sure to point people there when promoting your videos.