Minutes of Meeting of 12th September 2011
Time: 19:30, Monday, 12th September 2011.
Present: Llewyn (retired), Sam T, Mike (Chair, Minutes), Yuwei, JP, Roy, Ben.
Apologies: None.
Ben introduced to JP. Yuwei introduced to JP.
Last Meeting
Minutes of last meeting dated 8th August 2011 were approved as correct by Michael and Sam T. Manchester/2011-08-08/Minutes.
Announcements and other business
Yuwei will give AOB at the end of the meeting.
September talk, we are still on for Freedombox.
JP has suggested doing packaging or Zeitgeist.
Potlash2 suggested but might need Adobe Flash.
Puredyne, runs off usb stick, meant for artist. Llewyn might be up for it. Yuwei knows someone who might be interested.
October for Mick Fuzz? Spoke to him after talk and he wasn't available for October (or November).
Ken Barber (of Puppet Labs) next year.
Sam T suggested zoneminder.
Gnome 3.2. JP suggests that Alberto (from codethink) might do talk.
Sam willing to do FS audio talk.
JP suggested Toby Howard on animation.
ACTION: - Yuwei to contact person about doing Puredyne talk.
ACTION: - JP to contact Toby Howard.
Anarchist book fair
They haven't got a venue or date yet in Manchester.
ACTION: - Llewyn to continue to sort out ABF.
Manchester University Society
J.P. hasn't found the time yet.
Mike chased Sam V but no response. JP doesn't think that he would do it anyway.
Software Freedom Day 2011
Sam and Michael had meeting with Vicky of Arcspace. Got 5 machines. Logistics - they are dropping them off and picking them up. We've put a variety OS/Desktops though didn't finished but they are finishing them off.
Projector downstairs and upstairs. Videos upstairs. We have video short list. Yuwei doing openstreetmap 1-2 but actually only using the space a little of that time.
Mike has made a leaflet and getting 250 printed. Vicky and friend going to handout in performance art way. Others going to handout them too.
Vicky having IRC meeting with Brasil people and projector.
Mike said times. 10am setup, 11am open, 5pm pack up. Mike, Ben, JP will be there at 10am, 11am Sam.
Sam has done FSFE Free Software for Windows discs.
T-shirt transfers. Yuwei will get T-shirts and leave at Arcspace on Thursday and Michael pick up on Thursday night. (During social part decided to leave the T-shirts.)
ACTION: - Llewyn to write down all the great ideas on the SFD wiki page.
ACTION: - Mike to rally people for SFD2011 in Manchester.
ACTION: - Sam to sort out music for SFD2011.
Mike still has books and will put announcement to list.
Mike still hasn't had change to try the badge maker.
ACTION: - Mike to send announcement list about Merchandise.
ACTION: - Mike to try badge maker.
Promotional Material
Mike still hasn't done 'webpage' CD. Sam said it will a small CD. Ben says it's called the web.
Ben suggests usb stick perhaps credit type but too expensive.
ACTION: - Mike to do webpage.
More other business
Yuwei asked about people helping out on Sunday with Openstreetmap. Mike brought up licence issues.
Sam T going to Scottish Parliament to talk about fair access.
Yuwei and Sam T going to pycon. JP will help out.
Sam T said about contact conf in London.
Next Meeting
Nothing extra.
"Pizza was free but the meeting was freer. Good turn out."
Monday, 10th October 2011. 19:00 at the Matt and Phreds.