Group: Defective by Design/Day Against DRM 2012

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← Day Against DRM 2011

The Day Against DRM is an opportunity to unite a wide range of projects, public interest organizations, web sites and individuals in an effort to raise public awareness to the danger of technology that requires users to give-up control of their computers or that restricts access to digital data and media. This year, we'll be helping individuals and groups work together to create local actions in their communities — actions will range from protesting an unfriendly hardware vendor to handing out informative fliers at local public libraries!

How to get Involved Now

  • Join this wiki and the DefectiveByDesign group

Help us spread the word!

Action Ideas

Online Actions

This is a section to list action ideas that can be done from anywhere where you have an Internet connection.

  • This was a really good idea from previous years: tag DRM crippled items on Amazon with defectivebydesign
  • Tweet about it
  • Blog about it
  • Do a live video talk
  • Dent about it (


If you're hosting an event, list it here, along with any necessary contact information.

The DbD campaign can send a message advertising your event to supporters in the area. Just send them the exact text that needs to go out -- make sure to include the what, where, and when, along with your contact info for potential attendees.

United States of America


  • Boston -- Join FSF staff and supporters at an event in Boston. Details to come.
  • Amherst -- Join activists from the Pioneer Valley area and students from the 5 colleges for socializing and strategizing against DRM --




  • San Francisco -- This is a planned event involving a Barnes and Noble, some posters, as well as the usual stickers, buttons, and flyers.Contact Mark for more information as it comes.


  • Madrid -- contra los libros electrónicos injustos. Los libros electrónicos deben respetar las libertades del lector. No a las esposas digitales, a los contratos restrictivos, a la vigilancia. Vamos a repartir folletos a las 16:30 el viérnes 4 de mayo en calle Preciados 25, Madrid, frente a las grandes librerías. Por favor ven y participa. Imprime 50 copias de si puedes.

United Kingdom

  • Manchester -- We are meeting at Madlab at 7pm *sharp* (so don't be late) on Friday, May 4th, 2012. We will have a brief overview of DRM and then we will go out around Manchester campaigning until about 9pm. Then to the pub for discussion.


  • Stavanger -- Details to follow.


  • Roma -- an event is planned from Pirate Party Italy @c.s.o.a. SansPapiers in Roma.

NoDRM Partito Pirata Italy @SansPapiers

  • Torino -- Guri and Hipatia planned an event to sensitize the people of Turin and to help the Italian Pirate Party to spread the word against DRM. Most of the activity will be done in front of schools and universities.

Contact us at <guri AT> if you'd like to join. No DRM - Guri and Hipatia



  • Folks from's DRM-PT are organizing some ultra-secret stuff to celebrate the date in Portugal, like we do every year. If you're interested in collaborating contact us by sending an e-mail to .

News articles and blog posts

Add links to blog posts people write on the Day — see some from last year.

Microblog posts

Banners and Posters

Are you creating some posters or banners for your event?

This page was a featured resource in April 2012.