Group: LibrePlanet Denver

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Revision as of 23:48, 19 September 2023 by Macrohumanity (talk | contribs)
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about us

LibrePlanet Denver is a group of activists organized around furthering the ideals of free software and related issues concerning digital rights as necessary means for a free society. we operate in accordance with the LibrePlanet Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.


  • unite
    • bridge connections between activists, users, and contributors in the free software community.
  • advocate
    • promote free software ideals through education, campaigns, and events.
  • advance
    • build and contribute to free software code, documentation, and design.
  • encourage
    • welcome all interested people to free software, and help motivate and increase their involvement.
  • assist
    • provide support and guidance for people using and contributing to free software.
  • focus
    • keep focus on free software as an ethical social movement, more than just a way of producing software.


become a member of LibrePlanet Denver:

LibrePlanet Denver
Note IRC: #LibrePlanet-US-CO-DEN
Region North America
Area United States of America
Members 2
Description software freedom activists
Current status ACTIVE
to include this badge on your user page, add: {{user Denver}} anywhere on your LibrePlanet user profile. example: macrohumanity
DEN This user is a member of LibrePlanet Denver

  • email the group leader at - lets brainstorm :)
  • IRC: #LibrePlanet-US-CO-DEN
  • mailing list cannot be established until we reach 6 members according to the LibrePlanet Teams Help Wiki


  • there are currently no scheduled meetings but you could attend an open house at your local hacker/maker space:
    • the creator of LibrePlanet Denver holds an active membership at denhac and is willing to hold scheduled meetings at this space once we gain 6+ members.






  • IRC: #LibrePlanet-US-CO-DEN
  • contact the group leader, Robbie C., via email:

dynamically generated Colorado user list

User Name
Gnuamua Andrew
Macrohumanity Robbie
Mointerop Robbie
Pianohac/Profile Jesse Weaver
Tr3b Tyler

to appear on this list, create a profile for yourself, with state "Colorado".