Group: FSF/CampaignsMeetings/2009-07-28
2009/07/28 Campaigns Meeting
Present: Peter Brown, John Sullivan, Matt Lee, Holmes Wilson
- Status review of assignments from Friday.
- Feedback on having the minutes and agendas on the LP wiki.
Petition update
- We have a good set of representative signatures -- major librarian, several academics and authors. Waiting to hear from publishers. Will also send out to some lists once we have confirmation from RMS on the specific language.
- Will stress-test the petition module with Ward to make sure it can handle the traffic.
- Will reach out to reporters for advance coverage.
- Will collect quotes from petition signers to use in press release.
- Drafting blog post
- Will get clarification on "open video" language issues from RMS.
- Continuing on Wikipedia action item from Friday.
- Continuing research on whether handset exclusivity is a good approach to take, and what the relationship to free software is.
- New skin is up for private testing now. There are some bugs, which will be worked out by Thursday.
Windows 7
- Will finish drafts of text for John to review by end of day today.
- Scoped out potential site for launch action.
- Will discuss plan and workflow for future GNU Generation posts with Max.
- Coordinating interview scheduling.
- Setting up CiviCRM test instance on local machine.
- Refining list based on current DB system.
- RT ticket assignments
- Drafting announcement about Trisquel release, and Kongoni
- Reviewing Network Service policy draft, adding questions
- Follow-up with RMS on Kindle in school issues, and continue background drafting of article about Kindle and education
- Shopping for office partitions (oh the glamor)