LibrePlanet: Conference/2010/Hacking

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Revision as of 11:59, 17 February 2010 by Mattl (talk | contribs)
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Please remember that this event is focused on free software, not open source. We have a set of guidelines for speakers, but we ask everyone to be mindful of the power of words and the importance of framing the issues being discussed and worked on in the best possible terms.

Register now

Everyone who attends gets a free t-shirt too

Interested in hacking at LibrePlanet 2010... there will be lots of time for hacking on Friday, as well as time on Saturday and Sunday.

Projects are encouraged to add themselves to a list of interested projects.

If you're interested in working on a particular problem, please sign up on the page for the project itself. If you are interested on working on your own projects, or want to work on projects but haven't found something that interests you yet, please add yourself to a list of orphaned hackers.

Friday, hacking related talks

If you'd like to talk about your hacking projects, there is time on Friday for this.