LibrePlanet: Conference/2024/Lightning Talks

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Lightning talks at LibrePlanet

<< Visit the LibrePlanet 2024 homepage >>

Lightning talks are five-minute presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about.

If you would like to give a lightning talk at LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community please list a title, a short description, and (optionally) your name to the list below.

  • To ensure a conference that's safe and fun for everyone, we take our Safe Space Policy very seriously. We'd appreciate it if you looked it over before planning your presentation.
  • There are many conferences focused on "open source," and we're proud that people come to LibrePlanet to be part of the free software movement. In your presentations, please use the term "free software" rather than "open source", to help us keep LibrePlanet focused on computer-user freedom. We appreciate it, and your audience will too.
  • You can choose whether you want to have your lightning talk in person or online.

For remote lightning talks: Submit a recorded lightning talk by April 15

  • Record a 5-minute max. video. If you can't reduce your talk to 5 minutes, do not hesitate to upload. We may still find a spot for it but we can't guarantee it.
  • We prefer **horizontal** (4:3, 16:9) videos and it would be ideal if you could transcoded your video into **WebM** format.
  • Upload your video for LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community by following the upload instructions.
  • Please upload your video no later than April 15. If you didn't make this deadline, do not hesitate to upload, who knows, we may still find a spot for it but we can't guarantee it.

The lightning talks will be streamed and posted online.

For in-person lightning talks: Submit your slides by April 15

  • Upload your slides for LibrePlanet 2024: Cultivating Community by following the upload instructions and uploading slides in a free format.
  • Please make sure your slides are in PDF format, not LibreOffice (and, of course, please definitely not in PowerPoint).
  • Please upload your slides no later than April 15. If you didn't make this deadline, do not hesitate to upload, who knows, we may still find a spot for it but we can't guarantee it.
  • As a precautionary measure, also bring your slides on a USB drive to your talk.


If you have questions, please send an email with your question to campaigns at fsf dot org.

Our tips for an awesome lightning talk:

  • Be as selective as possible with what you cover. (In our experience, a five-minute talk cannot cover what a fifteen-minute talk covers and still be effective.)
  • Use a large, reader-friendly font for all your slides.
  • Keep the number of your slides low.
  • Do not visually overload your slides.

Watch past LibrePlanet Lightning talks for inspiration:

<< See recordings of past talks, both online and in-person. >>

Lightning talks at LibrePlanet



Short description

Speaker(s) (optional)

LibrePlanet 2024 talk proposals

Put your talk here, please, using the template above.

Title: Ethical and Economic Dimensions of Free Software Security

Short description: Organizations leverage free software for product development and procedural implementation. However, the cybersecurity industry often overlooks or misunderstands the free software community, resulting in significant gaps in security knowledge. This presentation delves into the intricate relationship between free software and closed-source vulnerabilities, explores free software lifecycles, and analyzes security trends within projects that adhere to or deviate from Freedom 3 (the right to redistribute modified programs). Additionally, it scrutinizes the social dynamics and economic factors contributing to the success of free software projects and communities.

This research aims to chronicle the evolution of free software projects, illustrate how organizations use free software projects, and identify effective security measures. Emphasizing the pivotal role of free software in cybersecurity, this presentation underscores elements such as documentation, collaboration, and human rights. Research methods included reviewing published research, journal articles, statistics, CVEs, and press articles about security threats and mitigations.

Speaker(s) (optional): Olivia Gallucci

Title: Modos: Building calm, inclusive, and humane technology

Short description: Modos is an open-hardware company building an ecosystem of E-Ink devices to reimagine personal computing, focusing on creating calm, inclusive, and humane technology.

We will briefly discuss the underlying technology, present findings from our community survey, and discuss the challenges and considerations in creating applications and hardware for E Ink displays.

Speaker(s) (optional): Alexander Soto

Title: Grist: Spreadsheet data ownership without losing collaboration

Short description: Spreadsheets have gone from a local app to a world of collaborative productivity SaaS tools, but losing data control, ownership, and privacy in the process. Grist is modern collaborative spreadsheet-database with a free software core, that can be run on your servers.

We’ll talk about why general-purpose spreadsheets are still a fantastic productivity tool, why they need to be collaborative and what that should mean today, and why FOSS-sensitive organizations choose Grist.

Speaker(s) (optional): Dmitry Sagalovskiy

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