Group: LibrePlanet Ontario/Meeting Notes/2016-07-24

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Sunday, 24 July 2016, 9:00pm EDT

Location: Mumble



Participants: Greg Knittl, Bob Jonkman, Sergio Durigan Junior, Stephen Paul Weber, Blaise Alleyne, Daniel Villarreal.
Audio recording: (73 MBytes, 1h30m)

Text channel

[8:50 PM] Welcome to Mumble.
[8:50 PM] Connecting to server
[8:50 PM] Connected.
[8:50 PM] Welcome message:
Welcome to this server running Murmur.
Enjoy your stay!

[9:23 PM] Daniel: hi
[9:23 PM] Daniel: yes
[9:24 PM] Daniel: Daniel Villarreal here.
[9:24 PM] Daniel: howdy howdy
[9:38 PM] Daniel: event + message + enthusiasm = ?
[9:38 PM] sergiodj: guys, I guess I'll have to step out unfortunately. sorry about that.
[9:38 PM] Daniel: bye
[9:39 PM] balleyne: later
[9:39 PM] sergiodj: bob, just to make sure, what is the domain that the cname should be pointing to?
[9:39 PM] BobJonkman: Thanx Sergio! TTYL
[9:39 PM] BobJonkman:
[9:39 PM] sergiodj: thanks
[9:39 PM] sergiodj: alright, ttyl!
[9:39 PM] BobJonkman: so =>
[9:50 PM] Daniel: maybe IRC chat?
[9:53 PM] Daniel: I wouldn't bother asking for email addresses.
[9:53 PM] Daniel: You're asking for commitment.
[9:56 PM] singpolyma: give people the opportunity that fits them specifically best
[9:57 PM] Daniel: Nope.
[9:59 PM] Daniel: Were the tax people forthcoming and easy to communicate with ?
[9:59 PM] Daniel: lol
[10:00 PM] Daniel: maybe you can ask them for a flowchart?
[10:01 PM] Daniel: Can't hurt to ask?
[10:01 PM] Daniel: ok
[10:01 PM] Daniel: definitely
[10:02 PM] Daniel: I think there's a lot of interest, but it's a daunting task.
[10:02 PM] BobJonkman:
[10:02 PM] Daniel: Thanks for your efforts
[10:13 PM] singpolyma:
[10:17 PM] singpolyma: I expect most software gets >60% rewritten every year
[10:17 PM] singpolyma: s/software/tax software
[10:18 PM] BobJonkman:
[10:20 PM] Daniel: thanks all.
[10:20 PM] singpolyma: Fun fact unrelated to the discussion: my children's book got randomly featured on !
[10:24 PM] balleyne: we're pushing 10:30, I've gotta run very soon!
[10:26 PM] singpolyma: I like async for sure. so long as we actually do it ;)
[10:26 PM] singpolyma: sync forces us to act
[10:26 PM] singpolyma: For sure
[10:26 PM] singpolyma: agreed
[10:27 PM] Daniel: thanks. good night
[10:27 PM] Daniel: uh huh.