Group: LibrePlanet Ontario/Meeting Notes

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Revision as of 05:08, 31 December 2016

Notes from Previous Meetings

Saturday, 24 December 2016, 9:00pm EST

Location: Mumble

This is likely to be a short, sparsely attended meeting. If you can spare an hour away from your holiday festivities, please come join us!


If there's something else you want to discuss, add it to the this agenda!

Upcoming Events


Participants: Greg Knittl, Bob Jonkman
Audio Recording: (Size: 3.3 MB - Duration: 1m43s)

No Text Channel notes this month.

Thursday, 24 November 2016, 9:00pm EST


If there's something else you want to discuss, add it to the this agenda!

Upcoming Events


Participants: Bob Jonkman, Greg Knittl, Stephen Paul Weber (singpolyma), and Logan Streondj (greenmonk) in the Text Channel
Audio Recording: (Size: 17.86MB - Duration: 20m22s)

Text Channel

[8:26 PM] Recording started
[8:26 PM] BobJonkman: I'm AFK at the start of the meeting, will be joining shortly
[8:58 PM] entered channel.
[9:06 PM] singpolyma entered channel.
[9:10 PM] singpolyma: also, I've done this:
[9:16 PM] singpolyma: sita sings the blues
[9:22 PM] BobJonkman:
[9:37 PM] greenmonk entered channel.
[9:37 PM] greenmonk: hi, my microphone not working
[9:37 PM] greenmonk: logan yep
[9:38 PM] greenmonk: I was just working on a thanksgiving piece for the bglug mailing list
[9:38 PM] greenmonk: then I remember the meeting
[9:38 PM] BobJonkman:
[9:38 PM] greenmonk: cool I'll check it out
[9:39 PM] greenmonk: is there a libreplanet ontario mailing list?
[9:39 PM] BobJonkman:
[9:39 PM] greenmonk: thanks, found it :-)
[9:40 PM] greenmonk: alright, well guess I'll continue working on the email.
[9:40 PM] greenmonk: oh yea, I remember I wanted to say to the guy about the surveys that they should be authentic.
[9:40 PM] greenmonk: I can reply to the list regarding that as well.
[9:41 PM] greenmonk: sounds cool :-)
[9:41 PM] greenmonk: lol
[9:41 PM] greenmonk: k, alright well have a good night
[9:42 PM] greenmonk: hope to see you at the next bglug
[9:42 PM] greenmonk: I call them b-glug also
[9:43 PM] greenmonk: I actually haven't been able to attend as much since have a new son he is a month old now.
[9:43 PM] greenmonk: and bed time is about the same time as the meeting.
[9:43 PM] greenmonk: oh yes, I remember now.
[9:43 PM] greenmonk: lol, yeah, well I have two, the other is three years old
[9:44 PM] greenmonk: yep. alright we'll I'll get back to composing my email on what I've discovered about f-droid and password and encryption, will forward to libreplanet and bglug mailing lists
[9:44 PM] greenmonk: have a good night!
[9:45 PM] greenmonk disconnected.

Monday, 24 October 2016, 9:00pm EDT


Upcoming Events


Participants: Bob Jonkman, Sergio Durigan Jr., Blaise Alleyne, and Greg Knittl
Audio Recording: (41.4 MBytes, 51m05s)

Text Channel

[8:54 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: Agenda:
[8:57 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman: Getting a cuppa tea, BRB
[9:04 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman:
[9:13 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman:
[9:14 PM] (Channel) balleyne: hi, just getting my headset!
[9:15 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman:
[9:27 PM] (Channel) balleyne:
[9:48 PM] (Channel) BobJonkman:
[9:49 PM] (Channel) sergiodj: guys, I really have to go grab something to eat, sorry. shouldn't take long, I'll be back in a few minutes

Saturday, 24 September 2016, 9:00pm EDT



Participants: Bob Jonkman, Stephen Paul Weber, Greg Knittl, and Blaise Alleyne in text chat.
Audio Recording: (21.7 MBytes, 41m41s)

Wednesday, 24 August 2016, 9:00pm EDT



Participants: Bob Jonkman, Greg Knittl, Stephen Paul Weber, Blaise Alleyne, and Logan Streondj
Audio Recording: (71 MBytes, 1h24m)

Links from the Text Channel

LibrePlanet Ontario Software Freedom Day:

LibrePlanet Ontario Free/Libre Canadian Tax Preparation Software Project:

Cippic (Canadian Internet Policy adn Public Interest Clinic):

Waterloo Region Greens "Party Rally for Proportional Representation":

24 July 2016



24 June 2016

A mumble meeting with Bob Jonkman, Blaise Alleyne, Stephen Paul Weber, and Greg Knittl. Allan joined us with text-only chat. An audio recording is available: (31 MBytes, 41m14s)


  1. Domain names: We'll ask Sergio Durigan Jr., our Hostmaster[1], to set the three domain names (,, so they're all aliases for our Wiki page (but this will take a bit more jiggery-pokery than just an A record in DNS). Greg Wright can point the NS records for to the DNS server that Sergio uses. (Greg and Sergio should contact each other off-list to make this happen)
    1. Sergio will host most services on his server, although Bob Jonkman is happy to continue hosting audio files for an eventual podcast.
    2. will be the canonical domain name. Chapters will be a subdomain (so should also alias to ) Services will be set up as subdomains for ease of administration. So, we'll eventually have,, and any others. We can start with -- Bob will chat with Sergio off-list to set this up.
  2. Podcasts: Stephen Paul Weber (singpolyma) has a redo script to create a podcast .rss file from folders of audio files. Bob has git-cloned it; just need to figure out how to make it work. Bob will contact Stephon off-list about it. Script stuff at
  3. Lots of discussion on our Free/Libre Canadian Tax Prepartion Software Project, now fondly known as FLCTPSP. There's a wiki page to coordinate the project's activities at Blaise had a link to a mailing list:


Upcoming Events

24 May 2016

Topic: Government forms, Open Documents and Free Software.

A mumble meeting with Bob Jonkman, Sergio Durigan Junior, Stephen Paul Weber, and Greg Knittl. An audio recording is availble: (42.3 MBytes, 54m46s).

24 April 2016

A mumble meeting with Greg Knittl, Blaise Alleyne, Bob Jonkman. No agenda, but an audio recording is available: (38.3 MBytes, 44m33s), joined in progress.

24 March 2016

A mumble meeting with Sergio Durigan Junior, Blaise Alleyne, Bob Jonkman, Stephen Paul Weber and Daniel Villarreal.

Agenda for 24 March 2016

    • Open Data Day (beginning of March) (not a DFF event)

19 September 2015

LibrePlanet Ontario celebrated Software Freedom Day with a series of presentations:

What Is Software Freedom
Sergio Durigan Jr. gives a bit of history of the Free Software movement, and explains why Free Software is not like Free Beer.
Free Software in Musical Performance
Blaise Alleyne has been performing music for many years. He uses Free Software to enhance his performance. He'll demonstrate some of the Free Software tools he uses.
Lightning Talks - Using Free Software To Make More Free Software
Aruna Hewapathirane tells us how Free Software let him customize his Free Operating System.
Lightning Talks - Open Source, Open Allocation
Rudolf Olah will be presenting on how open source projects use open allocation and why this is a pattern for future jobs and companies.
Free Culture Short Films
Laurel Russwurm shows a collection of films that have been released under a Creative Commons license, returned to the Public Domain, or that were never covered by copyright due to legal issues.
Email Privacy with Free Software
Bob Jonkman gives a quick overview of encryption, and shows off Free Software that secures your e-mail.
GnuPG/PGP Keysigning
Bob Jonkman will expand the Web of Trust by conducting a Formal Keysigning where people read their key fingerprints and vouch for each other. To participate in the Formal Keysigning please e-mail your public GnuPG/PGP key to Bob Jonkman at For anyone who wants to create GnuPG keys there will be help available, followed by an Informal Keysigning. Bring your laptop if you're creating GnuPG keys!

28 July 2015

Our first mumble meeting! Happened at 7 p.m. and used LibrePlanet BR's mumble server (while we don't have our own).

  • We defined an initial agenda for our Software Freedom Day in Toronto
    • What is Free Software by Sergio
    •  ??? by Blaise
    • Keysigning party by Bob Jonkman
    • Free movie exhibition by Laurel L. Russwurm
    • Lightning talks (to be organized by Rudolf)
  • A few comments about the venue
    • We have to visit Mozilla's office to decide if it's a good place for the event, and if they are willing to have the event there.
    • Likewise, for (
    • Bob will contact GTALUG to find out about Ryerson
  • Things TODO now:
    • Create a wiki page. This page can be hosted here or at SFD's website.
    • Get to a point where we feel comfortable in sharing a "Save the Date" message.

29 June 2015

Held at the HeroBurger restaurant on Mt. Pleasant Rd.

  • We lamented the state of Free Software gaming, and the prevalence of proprietary gaming engines like Steam.
  • We lamented the state of Free Software administration, and how it seems that SysAdmins today don't know how to use Free Software tools.
  • Outreach:
    • Sergio and Bob attended the Ubuntu/Debian Release Party in April
    • Rudolf attended a computer language interest group [I forgot details]
    • Bob attended a MapTime meetup in May, and a couple of GTALUG meetings
  • Some of us (Bob, Sergio) exchanged GnuPG fingerprint strips, with the intention of digitally signing each others' keys. This could become a regular occurrence at LibrePlanet meetings.
  • We discussed Software Freedom Day:
    • Software Freedom Day is Saturday, 19 September 2015
    • A venue is needed. Suggested locations:
      • Alleyne Inc. offices (Blaise will check)
      • Mozilla offices (Sergio will attend a MapTime or Mappy Hour[1] and investigate availability)
      • FreeGeek Toronto (someone needs to contact them)
    • Suggested format? After some discussion, it was decided to keep it simple for the first year. One stream of programming, with a second stream of Free Culture films; Laurel Russwurm can repeat the Free Culture Film Festival held in Kitchener in 2014.
    • Suggested schedule:
      • 10:30am - Presentation: What Is Free Software (Sergio)
      • 11:30am - Five Lightning Talks (organized by Rudolf)
      • 12:00am - Presentation (TBD)
      • 1:00pm - Presentation (TBD)
      • 2:00pm - Workshop (TBD)
    • Need to reach out to other Free Software organizations in Toronto; issue a Call For Presentations, Lightning Talks

20 January 2015

LibrePlanetOntario meeting 2015-01-20.txt (2.3 kBytes)

Duke of Kent Pub, Yonge & Eglinton, Toronto, Ontario

(bullet points rearranged slightly from the order in which they were discussed)


  • Host some meetings in other locations, eg. Kitchener-Waterloo or Ottawa
    • There was some interest from people in KW, but lack of easy/cheap prevents them from attending meetings in KW
    • There have been sightings of Libre Software people from the Otttawa area in the IRC channel ( irc:// )
  • Meetings should be scheduled at regular times and at a regular venue
    • We'll try the Alleyne Computer Centre (???)
    • Meetings on a Saturday would encourage turnout from other localities
    • Hold virtual meetings to alternate with meatspace meetings
  • Streamcast meatspace meetings with a full stack of Libre software
    • The software demonstrated
    • The platform OS running the software demonstrated
    • The streamcasting recording/broadcast software
    • The editing software
    • The output format should be in an open format, released under a Free Culture license

Web site


  • Matt Lee from the FSF will be coming to Toronto on (??? Dates ???)
    • Invite Matt Lee to speak at the next LibrePlanet Ontario meeting
    • There should certainly be a post-meeting meeting at a local pub!
  • Free Software projects could have a "Product Channel"
    • Corporations can issue RFQs, Purchase Orders, buy a license, get it all OK'd by their Legal Dept.
    • Channel partners (independent consultants, perhaps the developers) can provide support
    • Dual-license for corporate use? Maybe, maybe not.
    • May result in things like Marketing Managers on Free Software products; project focus being driven by sales rather than what's good for the project

13 September 2014


A meeting of LibrePlanet Ontario, Ubuntu-Canada Toronto Chapter, and Toronto Crypto. Writeup at LibreTea and Free Culture | Laurel L. Russwurm's Free Culture Blog.