LibrePlanet: Conference/2009/Social

Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, MA, USA - Saturday, March 21st and Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
Home | Report | Attendees | Speakers | Main Schedule | Getting There | Staying There | Social events
OpenCoference Guide / Schedule | Track 1: HPP | Track 2: FNS | Track 3: Activism
Meetups and social gatherings
OpenPGP Keysigning
It would be good to do one of these again. Let's plan having the keysigning during the break after Evan's talk, currently scheduled for 15:15-15:30
Thursday, March 19th: RMS Speech
RMS is giving a speech in Boston, 6:30pm to 8:00pm - see Copyright vs. Community: supporting artists while respecting freedom and society for full details. You can list yourself here if you are planning on attending:
- User:dclark - if I'm not too hosed with LibrePlanet prep. Guessing I'll be loading the new gNewSense-mipsel-l port onto RMS' lemote yeeloong laptop during the event.
- Ben Weissmann
- Parker Phinney
Thursday, March 19th: After RMS speech
There will be some kind of pub trip after this. Let me (mattl) know if you're interested.
There will be vegetarians, and it will be in a bar.
Hardware Freedom
Thu night in Harvard Square - Charlie's Kitchen and Tanjore.
There will probably be an informal coreboot / people who do low-level hardware / software hacking gathering - Marc Jones, a leading coreboot developer, and Ward Vandewege, coreboot developer and FSF Sys Admin (who will not be in town for the main conference, hence the scheduling), will be in town; some current and former OLPC XO hackers may also be attending.
If you are interested in attending, or helping with some coreboot hacking around this time, please email with your availability (note we are happy to have people to just come and talk, you don't need to volunteer for us; but do note that the conversation will mostly be of a highly technical nature).
If you are not able to attend in person, please still email saying you would be interested in participating if we get some kind of remote call-in, for example via Muji, set up. (Note: sjoerd in #telepathy on freenode has offered to help us debug any Muji problems we run into - we prefer this to other solutions as Muji in the long term may fulfill our High Priority Free Software Projects list "Free software replacement for Skype" project - note "Muji" used to be called "Mingle".)
Feel free to list yourself here in addition to emailing
- User:dclark
- User:ward
- User:peabo here to learn; last time I did any BIOS hacking was for original IBM PC where the ROM was documented in a looseleaf binder and later some interfacing to the Phoenix BIOS.
Friday night, March 20th: Boston/Cambridge DentEvent
"Dent Events" are meetups of users of Identica and people interested in Free Network Services, open standards for social software, and general social media issues. We'll be having a dentevent at Tommy Doyle's, a pub on Harvard Square, at 7PM. Everyone coming to LP09 is welcome; look for Evan's T-shirt.
Friday night, March 20th: Pre-Conference Dinner
Interested in getting together with people on Friday night? List yourself here!
A lot of people seem to be interested but nobody is willing to declare a place and time. At 6:00 I'm going to just say that I'm showing up at 7:00 to whatever has the most votes. I will update the wiki to what that is at 6:00, but won't be checking it again after that.
I'm going to be at Fajitas and 'Ritas by Boston Commons at 7:00. I know I said I'd do the highest votes, but I don't have a car and TJ Scallyhwaggle's wasn't really easy to get to by T. Hope somebody else shows up, I'll be wearing a sandman T-Shirt, if that'll help identify me.
- Chinatown: 0
- Legal Seafood: 0
- Bertucci's: 0
- Mai Thai (Downtown Crossing) (Vegan): 0
- Grasshopper (Allston) (Only Vegetarian/Vegan): 0
- Otherside (Back Bay) (Vegan): 0
- Bukowski (Back Bay) (Vegan): 0
- Mary Chung's (Central) (Vegan): 0
- Charlie's (Harvard) (Vegan): 0
- TJ Scallywaggles (Vegan): 2
- Fajitas and 'Ritas: 1
- Fire and Ice: 0
- User:Gooserid - prefer someplace fairly quiet, where conversation possible w/o screaming. Also prefer NON-vegetarian, low-carb friendly food options.
- User:peabo
- User:deborah - I've got a lot to do here, so people should plan dinner without me.
- Colin Williams - Another option is Fajitas and 'Ritas. It's fairly laid back, easy to get to, and since you're constructing your food vegan/vegetarian is possible. Or we could try Fire and Ice, which has the same benefits. Regardless of where we eat, we also need to establish a time, 7 seems like a reasonable time to start dinner.
- Bradley M. Kuhn - I would prefer not to go to a bar. I am also vegetarian.
Good vegan options include Mai Thai (Downtown Crossing), Grasshopper (Allston), Otherside (Back Bay), Bukowski (Back Bay), Mary Chung's (Central), Charlie's (Harvard), TJ Scallywaggles (Allston -- can't handle many people but tasty vegan pizza) or any of the Thai or Indian places in Harvard Square.
Otherside, Bukowski and Charlie's have a bar atmosphere.
Both Grasshopper and TJ Scallywaggles seem to be vegan/vegetarian only. I also noticed that TJ Scallywaggle's and Grasshopper don't really seem T-friendly, not sure these are viable options.
- User:dclark if I'm not doing conference setup stuff I'm game. Prefer we cook User:Gooserid steer roast style.
- Mike Linksvayer -- vegan
- User:johns (probably not going to be able to make it though)
- Tom Cort
Not specified
- User:dpatrick - I'm going to the DentEvent
- User:ciaran, maybe
- User:bjg
- User:oliva, having dinner with my hosts tonight, see you tomorrow
- Jason Stover
- Ryan Bagueros - I get in Friday afternoon and, aside from a convenient visit with a client we have in Boston, I've got nothing else to do besides get geeky. I also prefer somewhere that allows for conversation but have no suggestions, being relatively unfamiliar with Boston.
- Richard Fontana
- Bridget Brimacombe
Ladies' meet-up?
I was wondering if any of the ladies who are attending would like to meet up either at lunchtime on Friday or right after the conference on Sunday? Ping me if you are interested User:deborah or freedeb on freenode, I'm usually in #libreplanet and #fsf